What is especially different about me and our work together?
I made the difficult decision to pivot away from 1. Find a predetermined need and fill it and 2. Find a predetermined problem and solve it. What? Heresy! No, not really. The New Normals tend to defy standardization and formulaic answers. Rather than having predetermined, common decisions ready to sell, my clients and I have found that starting the forensic work (What is really going on here and what are the resulting priorities?) together has proven much more effective.
This means we begin together and stay together from the start without falling into the SEO trap of presuming a standard problem described in simplistic language with X # of steps as a standard solution. Clients always have the presenting, painful, real issue but more often than not we discover that there is also an underly problem that, if not resolved, will bring a complete solution to a full stop.
By doing some forensic work together to start with we can usually save time, money, effort, and frustration. And we produce a better outcome with greater, transferable learning as an important byproduct.
As you could see on the home page, I am in mid pivot myself.
Why? Because my clients were clear that they increasingly wanted my expertise in new thinking and acting, not just my other deep expertise in process, formula, and completion.
And because pivoting has to become a way of life for everyone who wants to succeed in the New Normals, including me. I don’t ever want to be in the position of asking clients to do something I have not done or would be unwilling to do. It’s called Integrity for a reason.
What do you call someone who does what I do? We don’t have a word for it yet. Or images. We don’t have lots of words and images we need yet. And the old ones, especially the ones embedded in SEO, rigid processes, and group think just keep us mired in place.
What’s important to me is the quality and the outcomes of our work together.

Who Am I?
I am an experienced Professional Advisor/Developmental and Organizational Psychologist, not a therapist or a financial advisor.
I am highly experienced and trained in:
- My clients form a huge array of individuals, couples, and businesses. Yes, they share some things in common. Yes, in the end their circumstances, intentions, needs, and pressures made them unique. One size or set of steps won’t fit all.
- I am a highly trained and experienced adult who has led a real life complete with voluntary and involuntary pivots of my own.
- I am a Professional Advisor, Navigator, and Futurist.
- I’ve had a corporate career and am a successful entrepreneur. I am also an award winning author.
- I was a longtime single parent, successfully raising two sons.
- Two Masters and a PhD
- I am an internationally ranked Sogetsu Ikebana Sensei.
- I ride a bicycle. A lot. I love my friends, my wife and our family. I detest meanspirited, destructive behaviors in anyone.
I’m leading a life that has lots of learning attached to it. Lots of success and a few failures along the way. I will have to act, write, and speak in ways that are consistent with what you need. Let’s start with our common notion of Coach.
I know for sure I don’t want to be called “Coach”. Here’s why:
Don’t Call Me Coach! Three Questions To Ask All Of Your Professional