Inspiration Might Be Sitting On Your Left

Inspiration Might Be Sitting On Your Left

I’ve just come back to the office from a deeply inspiring lunch meeting. For all our important work with “Seniors” and the services many of them need, I think we tend to carelessly lump then together, regularly falling into the trap of no longer seeing them as individuals and very, very bright people with full biographies. The fact is lots of “Seniors” are still trucking along admirably with significant humor, vigor, and insightful thinking. Chronological age is clearly not the primary determinant of much of anything.

I am fortunate enough to belong to an almost 70-year-old professional media and journalism-oriented organization. It is made up of retired print and broadcast executives and professionals, along with the rest of us still working in several forms of journalism and media.

These older men and women were heavy hitters with long careers in exciting times for their industry, complete with opportunities that are now unlikely if not impossible.   It’s always a revelation to occasionally experience myself as one of the youngest people in a room full of really articulate, experienced, passionate people. How often do my peers and I get that chance for inspiration?

Essentially, the organization is a luncheon club where we come together at a common table with microphones available to review and discuss a wide variety of topics from journalism and media perspectives. We discuss current issues of local, national, and international importance (political positions and religion are not permitted). This isn’t a bunch of geezers telling war stories and reminiscing. This is a group of thoughtful, experienced minds coming together for highly informed discussions. About 45 of us gather each time, both men and women. The membership is larger than that, so the attendance is slightly different at each meeting.

What did I find inspiring today, you ask? I’m glad you inquired.

A woman in her late 70s (an unrepentant thespian) played her instrument-studded washboard and sang everything from Jazz to Rap as warmup entertainment. She remarked on her pig tails and wrinkles, and then announced that all it took was moderate musical prowess and, blessedly – no longer having much sense of shame – an increased capacity for joy. She knew how to seize a point and get it across, grabbing our attention without doing or being anyone we would usually expect. And all the while her significant dignity shone through. How many of us can do that well, I ask you?

The gentleman on my left, 93, remarked about having written a piece with his daughter announcing his wife’s recent death for posting on his Facebook page.

Two men in their early eighties got into a heated debate about where journalism ends and media begins. Journalism and media, although we often mash them together, are not synonymous as we all know.

Today there was a general discussion about the November 13 letter to New York Times readers from the Publisher and the Senior Editor reflecting on issues with their campaign and election coverage. Full article HERE .

A famous elections polling analyst/scientist and journalist, easily in his late 70s, talked about the intelligent limits of polling and how they can miss what’s really going on.

I’m not some voyeur at these lunches. When it was my turn, I talked about my notion that we had all been prisoners of the images and language of local/regional/identity politics and, therefore, unwilling and unable to think and behave otherwise. It’s my opinion that we, as a nation, HAVE AN EXCESS OF LANGUAGES AND IMAGES THAT SEPARATE US AND are missing the ALTERNATIVE language and images to understand commonly shared pain and hope, without which we have little opportunity to actually create an inclusive dialogue. I’d like us to do a journalistic investigation of this without having to have another September 11 to pull us all together again.

The lady to my right, in her middle 70’s, is so alert and attentive that her eyes sparkle. She worked with Walter Cronkite and Edward R. Murrow, among others, and clearly understood the historic nuances in all of the remarks.

It’s my experience that many of us suffer from absence of intelligent intergenerational engagement and the inspiration that can accompany it.   My grandchildren regularly teach me important information I might otherwise miss entirely. When I say intergenerational engagement, I’m not talking about 3 or 4 generations showing up for a big holiday meal and watching sports on television rather than actually interacting. I’m talking about seizing the opportunity to look to my right and my left and observe the wisdom and perspective each generation brings from the lives they have led, regardless of age.

I’m inspired and this came from accomplished professionals senior to me.

What do you do for inspiration in your own life, especially multigenerational inspiration?


  • Jari Searns
    December 22, 2016 2:05 am 0Likes

    Hi George,

    Well, as usual, you have posed an interesting and somewhat provocative question. When I have the opportunity to discuss questions of some sort of substance with my Grandkids whose ages are 15, 18 and 21, I often experience a broad variety of responses depending upon the subject and that very detail is often the biggest problem. If I ask a “Grammie”kind of question I inevitably get a vanilla kind of response. For example if I ask “What’s new in your world,” the response may vary from “Nothing much” to “I just saw the newest Star Wars movie and it was not so good (cause the guns didn’t look real)”…that was the answer to my follow-up question. I think my Grandkids view me as a nice old lady who they love, but not someone with whom they could have a truly meaningful discussion…and I think that is MY FAULT for not exploring with them more intensely, the “how”, “what”, “where” “when”and “why” of whatever subject is being addressed. Your article feels a little like a “wake-up bell” and I di believe it is my responsibility to pursue these type of discussions with more thought, more caring and more insightful pursuit of what each of them really thinks and why…thanks George!!!

    • George Schofield
      December 27, 2016 10:23 am 0Likes

      Hi Jari. As usual, you are an amazing person. How many of us really reexamine our relationships with our grandchildren as they grow up and adjust to who they are as opposed to staying in the grandparent and little kid mode? They don’t stay the same and , hopefully, neither do we. Therefore, the relationship has to be different. I have written a new blog which will be published soon that takes a look at what I want to give to my grandchildren (now 5 to 17) as opposed to what I owe to them. Only as they have grown up (and I hope I have, too), has it occurred to me to consider the difference. When do you and Rick arrive? George

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