One Real Accident. A Second One Thwarted.

One Real Accident. A Second One Thwarted.

Scams are supposed to be something that happen to other people. Right?

We read about them, know people who know people who have been scammed, and heartily disapprove.

Then scamming calls us at home.

On Wednesday, my wife was in a traffic accident. The airbag deployed. She is fine, although a bit bruised and sore. It wasn’t her fault. The other driver was cited.

On Thursday morning our home phone rang. A man with an East Indian accent was calling to say that he represented Microsoft Security and that my wife’s laptop had been hacked by persons unknown. He had her name, phone number, and Florida license number.

The man said he had wanted to verify some computer codes. Bright woman that she is, my wife said she wouldn’t confirm anything without talking to our computer tech. Call ended.

What we suspect is that her personal information was taken from the accident report filed by our city police. By law, that’s public information.

Clever—and depraved—scam artists have easy access to it. Since most people feel vulnerable and perhaps a bit uncertain the day after being in a traffic accident, it’s the perfect time to get taken advantage of.

The moral of the story: Be careful what you disclose, on the phone, over the Internet or even at a crowded bar. The scam-induced hole you accidentally dig may be your own.


  • Jari Searns
    September 19, 2014 8:53 pm 0Likes

    That’s a horrible story and a sad commentary on today’s society; BUT, more importantly…is Linda okay? A bit bruised and sore surely deserves a whole bunch of pampering and probably a lovely gift…just because. You see, my friend, for every downside, there is an upside!

  • Elizabeth Isele
    September 19, 2014 9:40 pm 0Likes

    Dear George,

    So sorry to learn of your wife’s accident, but thank you for sharing your “accident averted” story so that we all might learn from it.

    All best wishes,


  • Mark
    September 19, 2014 10:52 pm 0Likes

    Hi George,

    Sorry to hear about the accident – and a disappointing reflection on the state of a (quite small) segment of society that try to take advantage of the situation. Whilst there are opportunistic people who think they are being clever by exploiting others, I have always been amazed and encouraged by the considerate and thoughtful behaviour that comes from the majority of mankind.

    Best regards and hope Linda gets over the crash, and post-crash obnoxiousness, quickly.


  • Sparky Baxley
    September 20, 2014 1:35 am 0Likes

    I agree with Jari and hope Linda heals quickly. You are fortunate that she recognized the scam immediately. I only wish more people were so well informed. My love to both of you.

  • David Lubert
    September 22, 2014 2:54 pm 0Likes

    Hi George:
    Hope Linda is feeling better. A timely post as I am taking a course at local community college on Identity Theft and there is a documentary I would recommend called “Terms and Conditions May Apply”. I would encourage your audience to view it if they can. Very insightful.


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